Hall of Fame Criteria

To provide permanent recognition of the top winning Keeshonden in CONFORMATION, OBEDIENCE, AGILITY, and TRACKING.
To provide for an award that would have more lasting value and honor than simply winning Top Show Keeshond of a given year.
To develop a system of eligibility that is equitable to both dogs and bitches. To provide eligibility requirements that are sufficiently strict to assure that only the true GREATS of the breed are included; the HOF should not include a Keeshond that wins one or two Group Is or a High In Trial.
The HOF is open to all owners of Keeshonden, not just KCA members.
Conformation Eligibility
Only wins made in the United States at AKC shows shall apply. Dogs must be Champions of Record.
Males must have earned 125 HOF points and 1000 Phillips points.
Females must have earned 40 HOF points and 200 Phillips points.
A transition period for bitches as follows: Through the end of 2014, a bitch may qualify for the Hall of Fame with 25 Hall of Fame points earned under the old specialty point schedule or with 40 Hall of Fame points earned under the new specialty point schedule. Beginning with 2015, bitches will need 40 points to be awarded the Hall of Fame title.
Achievement of the Silver Grand Champion level for bitches as an automatic Hall of Fame title as long as a bitch has achieved at least 20 Hall of Fame points and 200 Phillips points. Phillips points are a count of the dogs defeated at the group placement level.
Achievement of the Gold Grand Champion level for dogs as an automatic Hall of Fame title as long as a dog has achieved at least 75 Hall of Fame points and 1,000 Phillips points. Phillips points are a count of the dogs defeated at the group placement level.
HOF Points based on Conformation Wins
Phillips Points System for Conformation
Points awarded to each dog placing in a group based on the number of dogs defeated. 1 point for each dog defeated minus 1 point for the dog awarded the win. (i.e. - 4 th place in Group defeated the Bulldog having a breed entry of 10, the Dalmatian having a breed entry of 18, & the Standard Poodle having a breed entry of 8.) The breed of the 4th place winner had an entry of 12. The 4th place dog would receive 10 + 18 + 11 (12 minus self) or 47 Phillips points.
Both HOF & Phillips points are required in order to insure that the dog has beaten significant competition in order to receive the award. The requirements for this award are subject to review by the KCA Board of Directors every 5 years.
Revised March, 2013 (Points were adjusted for the bitch HOF. Points were adjusted for HOF points awarded for Specialty Best of Breed and Best Opposite Sex and added points for Specialty Select Dog and Select Bitch, (to coincide with the inception of the Grand Champion program). Points were added for Reserve Best in Show.)
In addition to the points awarded above, 5 points will be awarded to any dog or bitch who has a CHIC number. Effective for all dogs 5/2019
Obedience Eligibility
Only wins made in the United States at AKC shows shall apply
Dog must have a UD (Utility Dog) degree.
1/2 of points must be earned at All-Breed shows.
OTCH (Obedience Trial Champion) automatic HOF award.
OM1 (Obedience Masters) automatic HOF award.
100 points are required calculated using the following point system (see below) to be earned in Utility A, Utility B, or Open B. (Includes CDX dogs.)
Revised May, 2012
Blanche Saunders Point System for HOF based on Obedience Wins
HIT (High in Trial) - 10 points
High Combined Scores in Open B & Utility (same trial) - 10 points
Placing earned in Utility A, Utility B, and Open B includes placing earned by CDX dogs in competition:
Agility Eligibility
Recipients of an
PACH2 + 400 points, or
MACH + PACH + 200 points; Only wins made in the United States shall apply.
Tracking Eligibility
Recipients of an AKC TDX or VSD title; Only wins made in the United States shall apply.
Rally Eligibility
Recipients of a RACH 2; Only wins made in the United States shall apply.